
Happy Birthday, Erik...yesterday!

Yesterday was my dear sweet husbands birthday.  He is now the ripe old age of 24!  I know, he is ancient right?  Hehe...
It has been a milestone I have been looking towards since we started seriously talking about adopting.  365 (now 364) more days until the magic 25; the age that at least one of us has to be before we can actually make a commitment to bring a child into our life through the gift of adoption.  :)
It is a scary thought.  We both know that we have heard the call of adoption.  We have been directed to a ministry and know the long road we have ahead of us.  But wow!  In a year...it could all begin.  All of the requirements on the blessed preliminary "list" will have been satisfied and there we will be...waiting for God to reveal a specific child.  Our child.  It may be a year from now, it may be ten years.  But just to know that the possibility is out there...it makes me so anxious.  I know that Erik and I will never feel financially ready, or feel like it is the perfect time...but isn't that the wonder of God?  He knows better.  He knows how it will all work.  And he will give us the means in which to bring it all together.  We have already started an adoption fund.  :)  Right now, it is just a piggy bank...but I know that through prayer, sacrifice, and diligence that it will grow into more. 
So here we are...(unofficially) counting down!  Hooray!


  1. Erik shares a birthday with our Ilya! It is nice to see another young couple who wants to adopt. I am 23, but my husband is 28, which is how we were able to bring Ilya and Lena home.

  2. How precious is that! Birthday buddies are always so fun to find!
    I am 20 right now, soon to be 21 but adoption has always been something my husband has wanted to do. (As he himself was adopted!) I never really thought about it much until I met him and then slowly God worked on my heart (and still is) to where I know beyond a doubt that adoption is right for our family. I am so excited! It is a definite blessing to be called to such an important ministy in advocating for children. :)
