

Erik and I are jumping in with both feet.

We decided to get out of debt and here is where the big leap has to be made as to where we are on the commitment level.  So we are going for it.

...we listed my car for sale this evening.

We were blessed enough last summer to be able to pay cash for a truck for Erik but we still are making payments and will be for the next 3.5 years on my Jeep.

We aren't in a desperate position really.  We can keep making the payment ($350/month) until it is paid off just fine, but this dumb car payment comprises the bulk of our debt.  We could keep comfortable...keep driving it...sacrifice nothing.

But our desire to be out of debt outweighs my need to drive such an expensive car!  I wish I would have known back then what I know now!  But Erik and I are excited!  (He is also listing his project truck for sale, so go Erik!  We are doing this together, baby!)

So hopefully we will sell it, pay off the balance, and pay cash for something cheaper!

Hooray for sacrifices!

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