
Wouldn't ya know?

Isn't it always when you have a plan to do something and get so excited about it something seems to go wrong!  Ha!  Erik and I have still been trying to sell my Jeep.  We wanted to sell it privately, but if nothing came of that soon we were going to just bite the bullet and trade it in for less than what its worth...but we would be done with the dang car payments and be saving so much on interest.

Well...last night Erik backed into my poor pretty Jeepy with his big fat truck.  Nice, huh?  So now we have to get pretty much the whole passenger front quarter replaced.  Its not enough to turn it into our insurance we don't think...so there goes the money to put into a new cheapy car for me!  Dang!  Hopefully we will get a quote soon and it will be less than we are thinking, but we aren't counting on it!

But it is all good!  God is good and he will provide when the time is right!  :)

For now, we are going to get my poor baby Jeepy into the body shop.  Who knows what tomorrow will bring??  :):):)


  1. My poor Nicolie and her Jeep. Praying for yall! LOVE YA TWO!

  2. Good times, indeed. ;)
    Haha! And thank you Brooke!!! :)

  3. Hey Nicole,
    Just stopping in to let you know you won the yellow beach bag that you bid on during the Hartman Auction to bring Judd home. If you could email Melanie Hartman then you guys can wrap up the details. Her email is mel_cordell@hotmail.com Thank you so much for donating, you are a treasure.

    Love wins,
    Renee Tam
